
Use Navodaya Kehte Hain

Title: “Navodaya Moments in Shayari: A Simple Ode to Navodaya Life” In the heart of Navodaya Vidyalaya, where we study and make memories, there’s a special way of expressing feelings—Navodayan Shayari. It’s like telling stories through simple and beautiful poems. These poems talk about our life here—friends we make, the beauty of our school, and

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To Navodayan Ho Tum

Title: “Navodaya Moments in Shayari: A Simple Ode to Navodaya Life” In the heart of Navodaya Vidyalaya, where we study and make memories, there’s a special way of expressing feelings—Navodayan Shayari. It’s like telling stories through simple and beautiful poems. These poems talk about our life here—friends we make, the beauty of our school, and

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Har Shaam Deewali Hai Poetry

Har Shaam Deewali Hai

Title: “Navodaya Moments in Shayari: A Simple Ode to Navodaya Life” In the heart of Navodaya Vidyalaya, where we study and make memories, there’s a special way of expressing feelings—Navodayan Shayari. It’s like telling stories through simple and beautiful poems. These poems talk about our life here—friends we make, the beauty of our school, and

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Navodayan Shayari and quotes

Navodayan Shayari

Title: “Navodaya Moments in Shayari: A Simple Ode to Navodaya Life” In the heart of Navodaya Vidyalaya, where we study and make memories, there’s a special way of expressing feelings—Navodayan Shayari. It’s like telling stories through simple and beautiful poems. These poems talk about our life here—friends we make, the beauty of our school, and

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Alumni Meet Ki Kavita

Alumni Meet Ki Kavita

हेलो दोस्‍तों आज आपके सामने प्रस्‍तुत है Alumni Meet की कविता जिसमें भूतपूर्व छात्र की फीलिंग शेयर करने की कोशिश की गई है। इसमें लिखेे हर शब्‍द उस छात्र के हैं जो नवोदय छोड़ने के बाद सालों बाद Alumni Meet के बहाने दोबारा वापस लौटकर आने पर महसूस करता है। वह पहले भी कई बार सुन चुका होता है कि Alumni Meet में बहुत मजा आता है लेकिन उसने वह पल कभी महसूस ही नहीं कर पाया। तो चलिए और देखिए कि क्‍या सचमुच आपने भी महसूस किया जब आप Alumni Meet में अपने इतने सारे दोस्‍तों से

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